Monday, July 14, 2008

... and another cute muttering

This evening I was trying to teach the kids the rhyme "what are little girls made of". Now Hannah was quite pleased with her ingredients (sugar and spice and all things nice). Max on the other hand was not - slugs and snails and puppy dog tails! He hates snails with a passion and isnt that keen on noodle our puppy dog with a tail (the rottweiler has no tail and he quite likes her). Sorry I digress. So he says to me "mummy Im not made of snails and slugs - Im made of flowers!"

Simon also reminded me of an earlier cute uttering from a couple of weeks back that I guess I should write down before we forget. He said "daddy do you know what your lips are for?" "well eer go on tell me then" says dad. "They are for keeping your lips warm"

Hannahs dream

Today in the car on the way to school hannah said "mummy, I have a secret that no-one knows" when I asked her if she wanted to tell me she said "mummy I want to be famous - really famous". I wonder where that came from? It's not as if she enjoys being in the public eye. Watch this space.

By the way caterpillas are doing well despite my less than green fingers. Will post photos once they reach an impressive phase.

I bought some baby daffodils this morning. It really made me feel homesick for the thousands of daffodils that line the grass verges every spring where I grew up.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hannah the photographer

We decided to make some new Sylvanian clothes which hannah thought was a great idea. SHe chose the material and decided which clothes needed to be made.

Whilst I was busy cutting the stuff out Hannah decided to do a photoshoot of the Sylvanians. SHe set all of them out and took quite a few photos.

That was it. Now she was a photographer. SHe then went through the house taking photos of everything that took her fancy. She does so well given I have shown her no more than how to turn on the camera and point.

And these were some of the finished articles (Bag, Hat (circle thing) and jacket. Very cute. I love how she sets out the shot. We received a free camera with a national geographic subscription which we will give her for her birthday. She will love it!

The dangers of talcum powder

Lauren came to play last week. When her mum arrived to pick her up I was busy with something so went to tell Lauren her mum had arrived. Hannahs bedroom door was closed and it was very quiet in there. Anyway I opened the door to a sight to behold. You know when the TV ariel isn't in quite right and the image is all snowy - and the smell was overpowering - Talcum powder filled the air and was everywhere! A whole large container full. The kids (yes Max was in on it too) all looked very sheepish but rather pleased with themselves. The pictures don't really do justice to the mayhem created but they give you an idea.

Here you can see where they tried to 'clean up' the mess.

A very guilty little face! This is after the dust had settled.

creepy cress caterpillars

Its the winter holidays and its chucking it down so we are trying to be creative to keep ourselves entertained. The kids loved doing the cress caterpillars as they got to do paintinf , water play (taking cotton wool balls and wetting them. Then squeezing them out) and the best is yet to come as we put the seeds on the wet cotton wool and expect to get a good cress crop shortly.
Hannah is really growing up - she no loger looks like a baby. She is starting to develop 'older' features
They look a bit pathetic now but just watch this space!Hannah is such a good photographer although I look a bit gormless! We have also just started charlie and the chocolate factory. They are both loving it. This was my first long book and has always been my favourite childrens book. After just one day we have reached the chocolate room (about chapter 14). I'm so excited that we can now begin more substantial books like stig of the dump and carries war.

Max the monkey

Thanks to our friend Cameron, Max has discovered that he can climb high up in the trees. One minute he's there and the next he has disappeared into the bush. We had better be careful when we next go to Pilanesburg in case he is mistaken for a monkey!

What a handsome boy and soo cheeky! I just love you Max!