Friday, November 28, 2008

Hannahs Christmas Concert

Hannah's Christmas Concert
Hurray Hurray Hurray - its over! Hannah has sucessfully participated in her school concert. Last year was just too overwhelming for her and she crumbled part way through. Everyone laughed at the little girls doing the macarena and poor Hannah thought they were all laughing at her. Well a year later and the emotional scars having healed somewhat she did it this year with a big smile on her face. Hannah we are all so proud of you - not only were you gorgeous and danced beautifully you overcame one of your greatest fears - well done!


My nose was so big I had to use a straw to drink the wine as my honker kept getting in the way

sorry but can't get this the right way around but these two were my cat and my bat

Hey Pauline you look hhmmmmm SCARY!


Halloween is such a good laugh and one of the best bits is getting dressed up - I just love it. Here are a couple of shots of us before and a couple of my friend Pauline (sorry to drag you into this Karen) who kindly posted pictues of me looking less than beautiful on her face book page for all to see - note not of herself. She had a feeble excuse of "well I was too busy taking the photos to be on them" pooh pooh I say well here for the record are a few of Pauline (the disco demon)

get your own back time for the witch!

Happy Christmas update

Happy Christmas to you all - I am abysmal at sending christmas cards and have been since I arrived in SA and had kids. I'd like to be better and I always start each November with great plans to send everyone a christmas card but I just end up with drawers full of unsent cards.

Well lots of time has passed since my last post. What's been happening -well alot but not alot. We were going to move to the seaside and then the new house was valued by the bank at half a million less than our offer so it fell through. Barely a week later the world economy seemed to have been shook at its core meaning our business went from doing very well one day to having to having to adopt survival strategies to see us through what is going to be a very difficult few years.

Apart from all that our home school curriculum has landed (talking of which you english readers - can you believe that South Africans don't know what a dalek is and when you say don't you know Dr Who they say "who?") and I can't wait to get started. It is taking much self discipline to keep the kids in school to the end of the year as I'm itching to get started. I am going to have to contain my enthusiasm though as the kids will quickly decide that the much less exhuberant and energetic teachers are probably an easier option than education a la mummy! Lets see what we're like after year 1.

Max had his tonsils out after his 4th lot of tonsilitus (Max and I have been sick in rotation since July) Poor little thing was hysterical when he came around from the anasthetic - akin to a fatally wounded wild animal in its last throes of death. Very upsetting for me but he didn't remember anything. Needless to say he enjoyed the Ice cream, Jelly, chips and coke diet he went on for the next 2 weeks. Anyway he is back to normal.

Hannah on the other hand will never be the same. Two of her front lower baby teeth have come out and she looks like a bugs bunny negative. She is so proud of the gaps. When she woke up in the morning she followed the fairy dust into her room and then it suddenly stopped. I saw her puzzled face as she looked first under her bed and then up towards the light fitting and not really getting it came to her own conclusion as to what had happened to the fairy, began to occupy her mind elsewhere. What actually happened was the fairy got a little Tipsy when after Jan's birthday, Corelia and I came back for a quick drink. Before crawling upstairs, I remembered my role as the tooth fairy and grabbed the glitter. I promptly spilled it on the floor near the gift and then ran out before I could reach the window.

What else, well basically the kids are doing great and we are really enjoying them. Its going to be a tough time for the next 18 months but hopefully we'll get through (can I suggest you all go out and buy new cars (Daimler Chrysler, VW or fords) or at the very least replace your shock absorbers (gabriel only - maybe get a spare set just in case while you're at it!).

Here are a few pics from the last couple of months:

Max's school photo - what a stunner - there are loads of others all gorgeous

Me doing a duathlon - just ignore the boob enhancer (number strap) which makes me look like my waist is somewhere just under my neck