Nature study #3
I know there isn't a no.2 yrt but thats because my photos are on the camera which I can't download ! I took no.3 on the new iphone which is so much easier to download. Anyway, nature walk number 3 was an impromtu unplanned nature study of a wild laburnum on the way to our monthly homeschool get- together. We walked there as the kids needed the exercise and fresh air. We had just read Nama Kwaas Garden by Mary Clanahan so we felt the joy of nature before we set foot out of the door. and just passed the tree which was in full bloom. It was really striking - lots of yellow flowers. The kids were pleased to be able to see another example of compound leave which we had found out about last week (you'll hear about that later when I do week 2). The pods were also in three stages of development - green, going brown and brown. Anyway the kids and I examined the bush comparing the leaves to those of the sausage tree which we looked at last week. We noticed all the pods were on the flower stem and all the leaves were separate. After asking the home owner if we could nick a few we took samples of each. Next time I'll just take photos - the leaves and flower stank - a very earthy smell that wasn't particularly pleasant. Here are the photos...