Monday, July 14, 2008

... and another cute muttering

This evening I was trying to teach the kids the rhyme "what are little girls made of". Now Hannah was quite pleased with her ingredients (sugar and spice and all things nice). Max on the other hand was not - slugs and snails and puppy dog tails! He hates snails with a passion and isnt that keen on noodle our puppy dog with a tail (the rottweiler has no tail and he quite likes her). Sorry I digress. So he says to me "mummy Im not made of snails and slugs - Im made of flowers!"

Simon also reminded me of an earlier cute uttering from a couple of weeks back that I guess I should write down before we forget. He said "daddy do you know what your lips are for?" "well eer go on tell me then" says dad. "They are for keeping your lips warm"

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