Monday, July 7, 2008

creepy cress caterpillars

Its the winter holidays and its chucking it down so we are trying to be creative to keep ourselves entertained. The kids loved doing the cress caterpillars as they got to do paintinf , water play (taking cotton wool balls and wetting them. Then squeezing them out) and the best is yet to come as we put the seeds on the wet cotton wool and expect to get a good cress crop shortly.
Hannah is really growing up - she no loger looks like a baby. She is starting to develop 'older' features
They look a bit pathetic now but just watch this space!Hannah is such a good photographer although I look a bit gormless! We have also just started charlie and the chocolate factory. They are both loving it. This was my first long book and has always been my favourite childrens book. After just one day we have reached the chocolate room (about chapter 14). I'm so excited that we can now begin more substantial books like stig of the dump and carries war.

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