Monday, July 7, 2008

Hannah the photographer

We decided to make some new Sylvanian clothes which hannah thought was a great idea. SHe chose the material and decided which clothes needed to be made.

Whilst I was busy cutting the stuff out Hannah decided to do a photoshoot of the Sylvanians. SHe set all of them out and took quite a few photos.

That was it. Now she was a photographer. SHe then went through the house taking photos of everything that took her fancy. She does so well given I have shown her no more than how to turn on the camera and point.

And these were some of the finished articles (Bag, Hat (circle thing) and jacket. Very cute. I love how she sets out the shot. We received a free camera with a national geographic subscription which we will give her for her birthday. She will love it!

1 comment:

Carle said...

Oh Hannah...
You are doing a great job.